The Complete Guide To Taking Care Of Your Terrarium

Terrariums are classically closed eco systems – they are basically a glass jar with small plants which are kept for display and decorative purposes. Closed Terrariums have their own mini water cycle inside while open ones have a small space to allow for the plants to be watered regularly.
Although Terrariums look very modern, the concept was born way back in 1842! But how they function is extremely suitable for new age homes. Since Terrariums are very self-sufficient, little care is needed to keep them looking as gorgeous as they are from the point of purchase. Not only are they a treat to the eye, they definitely do play their part in keeping the air in your home fresh.
In this post we are going to tell you the simple points you need to keep in mind while maintaining a Terrarium.
Keep them under enough light
Although Terrariums are made to last in indoor conditions, they are still plants and they need some natural sunlight from time to time. Try to place your Terrariums at a spot in your house which gets a fair bit of light during the day. At the same time remember that these plants cannot handle too much of direct sunlight so do not leave them out for long hours and dry them out. The glass enclosing your Terrariums can magnify any direct sunlight and could even burn the plants within.

Water them adequately not excessively

As we mentioned before, Terrariums are a closed eco-system, and even the open versions have enough humidity and condensation going inside for the plants to remain moist. We recommend using a spray to allow a dash of water on your plants regularly for them to take in the required electrolytes and moisture. Try not to drown the plant in too much of water else this might lead to excess decomposition!

Remove wilted leaves

Unlike regular plants, wilted leaves inside Terrariums don’t actually act as good fertiliser for the plant to grow. Remove the wilted leaves from time to time else the level of humidity and condensation inside the closed system can cause them to decompose and allow overgrowth of bacteria. Leaving the rotting leaves inside can cause your whole plant to get affected by the bacteria.

Open up closed Terrariums

Although closed Terrariums are extremely self-sufficient and require very little water to be given even, closing them up for too long encourages poor water balance in the air within. Give them a breather by leaving them open for a couple of hours every few days, especially at night, so that they are able to clear out their carbon dioxide and not let anaerobic bacteria thrive inside for too long.

Water balance is key

There are a few ways with which you can tell if you are giving your Terrariums the right amount of water. If the wilted leaves are yellow and mushy, you are feeding the plant too much water. In turn, if they are dry and brown, they are not getting enough water. Tailor the frequency and amount of water you spray on your Terrarium according to what they wilt.

Know what plant is inside your Terrarium

Terrariums usually come with Succulents, which are thick leaved plants that are capable of holding a lot of water. These do not need much watering at all, and given that Terrariums are not able to drain any excess water, feeding them too much will cause their roots to rot. On the other hand, if you have tropical plants inside your Terrarium, they need a slightly higher level of moisture in their environment.
These are the six key tips you need to know to care for almost any type of Terrarium. Terrariums are made to be easy to manage, so fear not and go ahead and get one for your living space today! If you are more hands-on and would like to make your own Terrarium with your loved ones, you could try our DIY Terrarium kit too.

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